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Document Vector Store API

Zep's document vector store allows you to embed and search over documents using hybrid vector search.

Collection management, document ingestion, and search may be done using either Zep's SDKs or Langchain.

Example Code   |   Python API   |   TypeScript API

zep-python supports async use

zep-python supports async use. All methods are available as both sync and async, with the async methods prefixed with a. For example, zep-python has both zep_client.memory.add_memory and zep_client.memory.aadd_memory methods.

Key Concepts


A Collection is a set of documents that share a common embedding strategy and embedding model. Zep automatically creates embeddings from the documents you provide it, or you can provide the embeddings when you add your documents to a collection. All documents in a collection must have been embedded using the same model.


Documents are the texts that you want to embed and search over. Documents are added to collections. Documents may have a unique ID and metadata associated with them. If metadata is added, you can use it to filter search results.


Zep supports both automatic and manual embedding. When you add a document to a collection, Zep will automatically embed the document using the embedding model you've configured for the collection. Alternatively, you can embed your documents yourself and provide the embedding vectors to Zep.

Want to learn more about embeddings? See Selecting Embedding Models


Where available, Zep will use a pgvector v0.5's HNSW index for vector search over collections. Zep uses cosine distance for the distance function, which supports both normalized and unnormalized vectors.

If you are using a version of pgvector prior to v0.5, Zep will fall back to using an exact nearest neighbor search over a collection until an IVFFLAT index is created. See Indexing a Collection below.

Initializing the Zep Client

Please see the SDK documentation for more information on initializing the Zep client.

Creating a Collection

client = ZepClient(base_url=zep_api_url, api_key="optional_api_key")

collection_name = "babbagedocs" # the name of your collection. alphanum values only

collection = client.document.add_collection(
    name=collection_name,  # required
    description="Babbage's Calculating Engine",  # optional
    metadata={"foo": "bar"},  # optional metadata to associate with this collection
    embedding_dimensions=384,  # this must match the model you've configured for
    is_auto_embedded=True,  # use Zep's built-in embedder. Defaults to True
const client = await ZepClient.init(zepApiUrl, "optionalApiKey");

const collection = await client.document.addCollection({
  name: collectionName,
  embeddingDimensions: 384, // must match the dimensions the embedding model
  description: "Babbage's Calculating Engine", // optional
  metadata: { qux: faker.string.sample() }, // optional
  isAutoEmbedded: true, // should Zep automatically embed documents

If a collection with the given name already exists, it will be returned. Otherwise, a new collection will be created.

import { ZepVectorStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/zep";
import { FakeEmbeddings } from "langchain/embeddings/fake";

const zepConfig = {
    apiUrl: "http://localhost:8000", // the URL of your Zep implementation
    collectionName,  // the name of your collection. alphanum values only
    embeddingDimensions: 1536,  // much match the embeddings you're using
    isAutoEmbedded: true,  // will automatically embed documents when they are added

const embeddings = new FakeEmbeddings();  // If you pass in FakeEmbeddings, Zep will use its built-in embedder

// You can also create a ZepVectorStore using `ZepVectorStore.fromDocuments`
const vectorStore = await ZepVectorStore(embeddings, zepConfig);

If a collection with the given name already exists, it will be returned. Otherwise, a new collection will be created.

from llama_index.vector_stores import ZepVectorStore

zep_config = {
    "api_url": "http://localhost:8000",  # the URL of your Zep implementation
    "api_key": "optional_api_key",  # optional API key
    "collection_name": collection_name,  # the name of your collection. alphanum values only
    "embedding_dimensions": 1536,  # much match the embeddings you're using (required if new)
    "is_auto_embedded": True,  # will automatically embed documents when they are added (required if new)

vector_store = ZepVectorStore(**zep_config)

embedding_dimensions is the width of the vectors outputted by your embedding model. This must match the model you've configured for Zep to use when embedding texts. If you'd like to create the embedding vectors yourself and provide these to Zep, this value should match the width of the vectors generated by your model.

is_auto_embedded is indicates whether Zep should use its built-in embedder to generate embedding vectors for your documents. If you'd like to create the embedding vectors yourself and provide these to Zep, set this value to False.

Loading an Existing Collection

collection = client.document.get_collection(collection_name)
const collection = await client.document.getCollection(collectionName);
const zepConfig = {
    apiUrl: "http://localhost:8000", // the URL of your Zep implementation
    collectionName,  // the name of your collection. alphanum values only

const collection = await ZepVectorStore(embeddings, zepConfig);

Note See the instructions above regarding passing in FakeEmbeddings.

vector_store = ZepVectorStore(

Adding Documents to a Collection

chunks = read_chunks_from_file(file, max_chunk_size)  # your custom function to read chunks from a file

documents = [
        document_id=f"{collection_name}-{i}",  # optional document ID
        metadata={"bar": i},  # optional metadata
    for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks)

uuids = collection.add_documents(documents)

document_id is an optional ID for your document. You can use this to associate the document chunk of a document with your own identifier.

metadata is an optional dictionary of metadata associated with your document. Zep offers hybrid search over a collectiom, where metadata can be used to filter search results.

collection.add_documents returns a list of Zep UUIDs for the documents you've added to the collection.

const chunks = readChunksFromFile(file, maxChunkSize); // your custom function to read chunks from a file

const documents =, i) => new Document({
  content: chunk,
  documentId: `${collectionName}-${i}`, // optional document ID mapping to your own identifier
  metadata: { bar: i }, // optional metadata

const uuids = await collection.addDocuments(documents);

documentId is an optional ID for your document. You can use this to associate the document chunk of a document with your own identifier.

metadata is an optional dictionary of metadata associated with your document. Zep offers hybrid search over a collectiom, where metadata can be used to filter search results.

collection.addDocuments returns a list of Zep UUIDs for the documents you've added to the collection.

Zep's document vector store has experimental VectorStore support for Langchain.

While Zep's Memory and Retriever may be found in the Langchain codebase, Zep's VectorStore is not yet available in Langchain itself.

Note the import path below is zep_python.experimental.langchain.

from langchain.docstore.base import Document
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from zep_python.experimental.langchain import ZepVectorStore

vectorstore = ZepVectorStore(collection)

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(

docs = text_splitter.create_documents([raw_text])
uuids = vectorstore.add_documents(docs)
import { TextLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/fs/text";

const loader = new TextLoader("src/document_loaders/example_data/example.txt");
const docs = await loader.load();

documentUUIDs = await vectorStore.addDocuments(docs);
from llama_index import VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.vector_stores import ZepVectorStore
from import StorageContext

documents = SimpleDirectoryReader("documents/").load_data()
storage_context = StorageContext.from_defaults(vector_store=vector_store)
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents, storage_context=storage_context)

Chunking your documents

Your chunking strategy will depend on your use case. There are a number of 3rd-party libraries, including Langchain, that support ingesting documents from a variety of sources and chunking them into smaller pieces for embedding.

You should experiment with different chunking strategies, chunk sizes, overlaps, and embedding models to find the best fit for your problem.

Monitoring Embedding Progress

Zep's document embedding process is asynchronous. You can monitor the state of your collection by polling the collection's status:

while True:
    c = client.document.get_collection(collection_name)
        "Embedding status: "
        f"{c.document_embedded_count}/{c.document_count} documents embedded"
    if c.status == "ready":
while (true) {
  const c = await client.document.getCollection(collectionName);
    `Embedding status: ${c.document_embedded_count}/${c.document_count} documents embedded`
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  if (c.status === "ready") {

When the collection's status is ready, all documents have been embedded and are ready for search.

Zep supports hybrid vector search over a collection. The most relevant documents are identified and ranked by semantic similarity and, optionally, filtered by matching on metadata associated with your documents.

Either a text query or an embedding vector can be used to search a collection.

Constructing Search Queries

Zep's Collection and Memory search support semantic search queries, JSONPath-based metadata filters, and a combination of both. Memory search also supports querying by message creation date.

Read more about constructing search queries.

# search for documents using only a query string
query = "the moon"
results =, limit=5)

# hybrid search for documents using a query string and metadata filter
metadata_query = {
    "where": {"jsonpath": '$[*] ? (@.baz == "qux")'},
results =, metadata=metadata_query, limit=5)

# Search by embedding vector, rather than text query
# embedding is a list of floats
results =
    embedding=embedding, limit=5

metadata is an optional dictionary of JSONPath filters used to match on metadata associated with your documents.

limit is an optional integer indicating the maximum number of results to return.

// Search for documents using text
const query = "The celestial motions are nothing but a continual";
const searchResults = await{ text: query }, 3);

// Search for documents using both text and metadata
const metadataQuery = {
  where: { jsonpath: '$[*] ? ( == "qux")' },

const newSearchResults = await
     text: query,
     metadata: metadataQuery,

// Search for documents using an embedding vector
const embeddingSearchResults = await{ embedding: vectorToSearch }, 3);

Zep's Langchain VectorStore may be used as a Retriever in a Langchain chain, allowing your chain to search over a Zep collection.

Both similarity and mmr search types are supported.

query = "What is Charles Babbage best known for?"

print(f"\nSearching for '{query}'\n")
results =, search_type="similarity", k=5)

print(f"\nSearching for '{query}' with MMR reranking\n")
results =, search_type="mmr", k=5)

print(f"\Using Zep's VectorStore as a Retriever\n")
chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(

Zep's Langchain VectorStore may be used as a Retriever in a Langchain chain, allowing your chain to search over a Zep collection.

Both similarity and mmr search types are supported.

const query = "What is Charles Babbage best known for?";

// Simple text query returning both documents and scores
const results = await vectorStore.similaritySearchWithScore(query, 3);

// MMR reranking
const mmrResults = await vectorStore.maxMarginalRelevanceSearch(query, {k: 3});

// Filtering using metadata
const metadataQuery = {
  where: { jsonpath: '$[*] ? ( == "qux")' },
const metadataResults = await vectorStore.similaritySearchWithScore(query, 3, metadataQuery);
# Search for documents using text
query = "What is Charles Babbage best known for?"
query_engine = index.as_query_engine()
response = query_engine.query(query)

# Search for documents using both text and a metadata filter
from llama_index.vector_stores.types import ExactMatchFilter, MetadataFilters

filters = MetadataFilters(filters=[ExactMatchFilter(key="theme", value="computing")])
retriever = index.as_retriever(filters=filters)
result = retriever.retrieve(query)

Retrieving Documents by UUID

Zep supports retrieving a list of documents by Zep UUID:

docs_to_get = uuids[40:50]
documents = collection.get_documents(docs_to_get)
const docsToGet = uuids.slice(40, 50);
const documents = await collection.getDocuments(docsToGet);

Indexing a Collection

Collections with HNSW Indexes

Zep supports approximate nearest neighbor search over collections using pgvector v0.5's HNSW index.

If you are using a version of pgvector prior to v0.5, Zep will fall back to using an exact nearest neighbor search over a collection until an IVFFLAT index is created.

If you you are using pgvector v0.5 or later, you do not need to manually create an index. The index method is a no-op in this case.

By default, Zep performs exact nearest neighbor search over a collection. Once a collection has a representative set of documents, you can create an index to improve search performance. After an index is created, Zep will perform an approximate nearest neighbor search over the collection.

By default, the floor on the number of documents required to create an index is 10,000. The force argument overrides the floor. This is useful for testing, but is not recommended for production use as it may result in higher memory usage.

collection.create_index(force=False)  # Do not use force unless testing!
await collection.createIndex(true); // Do not use force unless testing!

Other Common Operations

List all Collections

collections = client.document.list_collections()
const collections = await client.document.listCollections();

Updating a Collection's Description or Metadata

    description="Charles Babbage's Babbage's Calculating Engine 2",
    metadata={"newfoo": "newbar"},
await client.document.updateCollection({
    name: collectionName,
    description: "Charles Babbage's Babbage's Calculating Engine 2",
    metadata: { newfoo: "newbar" },

Update a Document's ID or Metadata

collection.update_document(document_uuid, document_id="new_id", metadata={"foo": "bar"})
await collection.updateDocument({
    uuid: documentUuid,
    documentId: "new_id",
    metadata: { foo: "bar" },

Deleting Documents

Zep supports deleting documents from a collection by UUID:

await collection.deleteDocument(documentUuid);

Deleting a Collection

Deleting a collection will delete all documents in the collection, as well as the collection itself.

await client.document.deleteCollection(collectionName);