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Enrichment and Extraction

Zep automatically enriches and extracts information from chat messages. This capability includes:

  • A progressive summarizer
  • An embedding vectorizer
  • A Named Entity Recognizer (NER)
  • A token counter
  • An intent extractor


Enrichment and extraction runs asycronously. This ensures that the chat experience is not impacted by the time it takes to extract information from messages. Howeever, this does mean that the extracted information may not be immediately available after message persistence.


Message histories are summarized once they exceed the Message Window. Once the history exceeds this window, the summarizer will summarize any old memories over half the message window size. This is intended to limit significant LLM usage.


If the message window is set to 12, and the number of unsummarized memories exceeds 12, the summarizer will summarize any memories older than 6 messages. Retrieving the Zep message history at this stage will, by default, return the most recent 6 messages and the summary.

The summarizer prioritizes context from newer messages and as a result offers the LLM model more information regarding recent coversations. To offer the LLM relevant context from older conversation, utilize Zep's vector similarity search.

Zep stores a history of summaries and the point at which they were made.

Searching over Summaries

Zep provides a vector similarity search over the summaries. This allows you to ground the LLM with rich, concise context from past conversations.

Configuring the Message Window

The Message Window is defined in the Zep config file.

Embedder Extractor

The Embedder Extractor embeds new messages as they are persisted to the memory store. Summaries, when created, are also embedded. This makes them available for semantic vector search. By default, we use OpenAI's 1536-wide AdaV2 embeddings.

Named Entity Recognizer (NER)

The Entity Extractor extracts named entities from messages and summaries and stores them in the Message and Summary metadata, respectively. Zep uses state-of-the-art NLP toolkit, spaCy, with entity extraction running locally, with no need for LLM access. With the Entity Extractor, developers can:

  • Trigger the use of custom prompts or agent branching;
  • Annotate the chat history, enhancing the experience for users with links to additional information, services, or products.
  • Evaluate human and agent messages further to extract dates, currencies, people's names, place names, etc.
  • and much more.

Below is an example out of the Entity Extractor. The message metadata field is populated asynchronously, and may be accessed via the Zep GetMemory and Search APIs. The Matches field contains the start and end character positions of the entity in the message.

 {"metadata": {
    "system": {
      "entities": [
          "Label": "WORK_OF_ART",
          "Matches": [
              "End": 144,
              "Start": 119,
              "Text": "The Left Hand of Darkness"
          "Name": "The Left Hand of Darkness"
          "Label": "PERSON",
          "Matches": [
              "End": 165,
              "Start": 148,
              "Text": "Ursula K. Le Guin"
          "Name": "Ursula K. Le Guin"
          "Label": "PERSON",
          "Matches": [
              "End": 235,
              "Start": 224,
              "Text": "Joanna Russ"
          "Name": "Joanna Russ"

We're currently using spaCy's smallest English language model, en_core_web_sm, for entity extraction. This provides a good balance between accuracy and inference time, with the latter being important for low-latency chat applications.

The spaCy source code has list of entity labels and their descriptions.

Token Count Extractor

The Token Count Extractor counts the number of tokens in a message and summary, and stores the count in metadata. This allows for finer-grained control over prompt assembly.

This is currently only supported for OpenAI LLMs.

Intent Extractor

The Intent Extractor passes the conversational messages to an LLM and extracts the Intents which are then stored as system metadata along with the Messages. For example,

        "uuid": "c26b5afd-1290-4feb-a4ce-306d4612ee7a",
        "created_at": "2023-06-21T19:33:04.720778Z",
        "role": "human",
        "content": "I'm looking for a new skincare product.",
        "metadata": {
            "CustomerFirstName": "Alice",
            "CustomerID": "KDSJFJDSF",
            "LoyaltyTier": "Loyal",
            "system": {
                "intent": "The subject is in search of a new skincare product."
        "token_count": 11